Yonsei University, M.S.
in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Yonsei University, B.S. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Korea National Open University, Bachelor of Law (LLB)
- Patent Attorney
- Valuation Analyst (2008)
- Korea Patent Attorney Association (KPAA)
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- International Trademark Association (INTA)
- Korea Valuation Association (KVA)
- Patent Attorney, Veritas Patent Law Firm (2004-2005)
- Patent Attorney, Nam & Nam Patent & Law Firm (2005-2013)
- Partner, Patent Attorney, JR Partners IP & Law Group (2013~2019)
- Managing Partner, Patent Attorney, PADO IP Law Firm (2019~present)
His practice involves KR and foreign patent prosecutions and litigations in electronics and mechanics including telecommunications, automotive tech., computer architectures, semiconductors, display devices etc.
He has advised Korean and foreign clients such as Qualcomm, Fraunhofer, DANA, SK Telecom, Hyundai Motors etc. regarding IP matters so that those clients successfully obtain and enforce IP rights in Korea and foreign countries.
Also, he has participated in several IP conferences such as INTA, AIPPI, APAA and LESI to experience recent IP trends and visited foreign clients and colleagues to present useful information of Korean IP issues.
He is a member of the Comittee on International Cooperation at the Korean Patent Attorneys Association (KPAA).
Publications / Article
- "Regarding an accelerated examination in Korea (Magazine "Patent21") (2011)
- "Research and Analysis on Patent Applications related to Main Features of HEVC technology" (2013)
- "Standard Patent trend in the fields of telecommunication & automotive technology" (Lecture for KINPA) (2019)